Let's get into the Christmas spirit...


Right, it’s time spread a bit of Christmas spirit by digging deep to help a Southwark family have a happy Christmas. The wonderful charities Southwark Food Bank and Pecan are working together to raise funds for their ‘feed a family’ Christmas campaign.

Southwark Foodbank provides emergency food to Southwark residents in crisis. Last year, they gave food to nearly 5,000 people.

Sometimes we can get swept up in the Xmas parties, roast dinners and presents and forget that some families are not as fortunate as others. Southwark Food Bank works tirelessly to help these families enjoy a normal, worry-free Christmas. This Christmas, they will provide hundreds of Southwark families and residents with everything they need to cook a delicious Christmas Dinner at home, festive treats, and books for children to open on Christmas morning.

So if you can, please donate here. See below what your donations could mean to a family.

£10 will buy a child a book to open on Christmas morning

£30 will pay for presents for the whole family

£50 will provide a smaller family with everything they need for Christmas Day

£100 will provide a larger family with everything they need for Christmas Day
