Would you mind £1 added to your food bill?

Would you mind an extra £1 added to your food bill if that money goes towards fighting hunger around the world? Restaurants across London are testing it out by joining Action Against Hunger’s Love Food Give Food Campaign.
Throughout September and October Action Against Hunger - the world’s leading charity in the fight against child hunger will turn your love of dining into donations by asking restaurants to add an optional £1 to diners bills. Every £1 donated equals one day’s worth of life-saving, therapeutic food to treat a child suffering from life-threatening hunger.
The recent UN State of Food Security report has shown that global hunger levels have risen for a third consecutive year. Today, more than a quarter of the world’s population -2 billion people- don’t have enough food to eat. If everyone gives a little, it could make a huge difference to those in need.
Amongst the London restaurants signed up for the campaign you will find a handful of Peckham restaurants on the list: Mr Bao, Miss Tapas, Artusi and The Begging Bowl.
To find out more or how you can get involved check out their website here.
If you run a restaurant and want to join this fantastic campaign, take a look here.
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